Here's a brief overview of our Christmas...
Christmas Eve
- 2:30pm - Open presents and eat 3 bowls of seafood gumbo in Grand Point at my Nanny Nee's house (dad's side of family).
- 5:00pm - drive down River Road to see what non-traditional bonfire the Gramercy Fire Dept built this year...a Fleur De Lis...hmmm? I wonder why?
- 5:15pm - Open presents and eat (not gumbo) at my Maw Maw Gloria's house in Paulina (mom's side of family). Here's a picture of me and my godchild Claire. I think the background of the one after that is pretty funny... someone looks full!
7:15pm - Drive to Prairieville... i tried to take a picture of a bonfire that had been lit, but the camera on my phone didn't quite capture the beauty that my own eyes had witnessed. Instead, it captured this giant glow!
7:45pm - arrive in Prairieville to open gifts and eat (yeah I had more gumbo) at Lori's Aunt Fae's house (her mom's side of family). Here's a picture with my godson Luke.
9:45pm - get Lori's car stuck in mud while moving it to let some other vehicles out.
9:46pm to 10:10pm - get teased repeatedly by everyone!
10:11pm - teasing dies down enough for the guys to help nudge the car free from the mud.
11pm head home to LaPlace.
Christmas Day
- 8:00am - open presents at home with Lori and the munchkins (our cats). They got a new bed. Ellie Mae hasn't really taken to it yet but Hunter and MJ seem to love it. My gift to Lori was so romantic that... well, just ask her next time you see her!
- 10:30am - ride into New Orleans with my parents and my sister for our traditional Christmas brunch...this year's location was the Hotel Monteleone.
- 2:00pm - exchange gifts at my parent's house.
- 3:00pm - 1 hour nap.
- 4:30pm - open presents and eat (uh huh, 3 more bowls of gumbo... why won't Lori just stop me?!) in Reserve at Lori's dad's house and watch the Roussel family's favorite Christmas movie, A Christmas Story. We actually planned on playing the Christmas Story board game that Lori gave her dad last year, but even though the box said it was for ages 8 and up, no one could understand the rules so we never got to play. Maybe the box was supposed to say "8 and under"
- 7:30pm - over to Big Maw's house to visit with Ms. Sylvia (Lori's grandmother), Big Maw, Darryl, and Noel.
- 10:00pm - back at home...Merry Christmas!!!