Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve/Day!

Here's a brief overview of our Christmas...

Christmas Eve
  • 2:30pm - Open presents and eat 3 bowls of seafood gumbo in Grand Point at my Nanny Nee's house (dad's side of family).
  • 5:00pm - drive down River Road to see what non-traditional bonfire the Gramercy Fire Dept built this year...a Fleur De Lis...hmmm? I wonder why?

  • 5:15pm - Open presents and eat (not gumbo) at my Maw Maw Gloria's house in Paulina (mom's side of family).  Here's a picture of me and my godchild Claire.  I think the background of the one after that is pretty funny... someone looks full!

  • 7:15pm - Drive to Prairieville... i tried to take a picture of a bonfire that had been lit, but the camera on my phone didn't quite capture the beauty that my own eyes had witnessed. Instead, it captured this giant glow!

  • 7:45pm - arrive in Prairieville to open gifts and eat (yeah I had more gumbo) at Lori's Aunt Fae's house (her mom's side of family).  Here's a picture with my godson Luke.

  • 9:45pm - get Lori's car stuck in mud while moving it to let some other vehicles out.

  • 9:46pm to 10:10pm - get teased repeatedly by everyone!

  • 10:11pm - teasing dies down enough for the guys to help nudge the car free from the mud.

  • 11pm head home to LaPlace.

Christmas Day
  • 8:00am - open presents at home with Lori and the munchkins (our cats).  They got a new bed.  Ellie Mae hasn't really taken to it yet but Hunter and MJ seem to love it.  My gift to Lori was so romantic that... well, just ask her next time you see her! 
  • 10:30am - ride into New Orleans with my parents and my sister for our traditional Christmas brunch...this year's location was the Hotel Monteleone.
  • 2:00pm - exchange gifts at my parent's house. 
  • 3:00pm - 1 hour nap.
  • 4:30pm - open presents and eat (uh huh, 3 more bowls of gumbo... why won't Lori just stop me?!) in Reserve at Lori's dad's house and watch the Roussel family's favorite Christmas movie, A Christmas Story.  We actually planned on playing the Christmas Story board game that Lori gave her dad last year, but even though the box said it was for ages 8 and up, no one could understand the rules so we never got to play.  Maybe the box was supposed to say "8 and under"
  • 7:30pm - over to Big Maw's house to visit with Ms. Sylvia (Lori's grandmother), Big Maw, Darryl, and Noel.
  • 10:00pm - back at home...Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shake your groove thing yeah yeah!

As usual, we had another full weekend. Friday night we went see the Hornets beat the Denver Nuggets (Thanks Matt!) and after the game, Lori was tickled pink to get to sit in the same seat that Deion Sanders sat in earlier. Neither Matt or I had any idea she was such a fan of "Prime Time."

Saturday morning, we met the crew for breakfast at the Ho Ho Hole (Donut Hole in LaPlace). Lori and I have missed the last several gatherings due to races so it was great to see the gang again. We then hustled over to Commander's Palace for my sister's annual birthday lunch with her and my parents. After lunch we stopped over at my parents hotel room to open some gifts and they recommended we check out the ginger bread streetcar at Harrah's so we did.

We then wlaked over to the French Market to do some Christmas shopping. After 3 hours of shopping we grabbed a table at River's Edge Restaurant in Jackson Square to eat and watch the beginning of the Saints game. It was fun being in the city on game day with all the excitement going on with the Saints. Notice I said watch the "beginning" of the game. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, considering the outcome of the game), a couple of months ago my mom got tickets for all of us to go see White Christmas at Le Petit that night. Before picking that date, none of us realized that the Saints game was on Saturday that week. Nor did we have any idea that they would be 13-0 at the time. It worked out well in the end though because we got to see a great show with my family and didn't actually have to sit through the game only to see them lose. Of course, I checked my phone for updates the entire time.

We were up bright and early Sunday morning to go run the Ole Man River Half Marathon at City Park. We both had to do our last long long run before the Disney Marathon in 3 weeks so we decided to just do this race and keep running after. We were a little concerned about how things would go because we had been walking all over the city the day before... not really what you want to do before a long run. We both had a pretty good run though... I ran 21 miles and Lori ran 22 miles. Disney here we come! Lori was thrilled that there were still some pancakes left from the post race party.

Next we hustled home to clean up before heading to Reserve to celebrate Christmas with Lori's dad's side of the familythat evening. We had a great time. There was one small incident though. Lori got her Paw Paw some pajamas and Saints hat for Christmas... appropriate gifts right? Well, half right... when he opened the Saints hat I though his head was going to explode. Apparently, he HATES the Saints! Everyone else seemed to know this but Lori and I so as you can imagine, the laughter was hysterical. I'm not sure he talked to Lori the rest of the night.

Monday, work. Monday night we went to the Celebration in the Oaks with Matt and his mom.

At one point, Matt got tired and needed to rest (he did a long run on Sunday too), but unfortunately we were in Storyland at the time so this was the tallest bench he could find.

Of course we had to ride the Carousel.

We also had to eat and while eating we sat down to enjoy some of the local entertainment. There was a group of dueling senior citizen tap dancers that kept us thoroughly entertained. Here's a short clip.

All in all, we had a wonderful weekend. Here's one last picture that was on my phone... it's 2 of our 3 munchkins, Hunter and MJ.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

32 degrees, wind chill of 23... what would you do?

Go canoeing right! OK most sane people would say stay in inside...not us!  Of course, many (most) of our friends and family have questioned our sanity when it comes to our adventure racing addiction.  We decided to squeeze in one last paddling workout before our big race next weekend in Texas...the Dave Boyd Adventure Race.  It will be the longest race any of us have attempted at 41 hours.  It's also going to be the debut of our new team for the 2010 season...Team CACAR!  We paddled for about 2 hours and 40 minutes before the cold got the best of us.